Running and Fitness With Raj

# 37 – Steve Palladino, 2:16 marathoner, coach and leading expert on running with power, explains the key concepts of running with power, its many advantages, key parameters to track and how to improve by running with power

Rajagopal Anapuzha Episode 37

Episode Summary

 Steve Palladino, 2:16 marathoner, coach and leading expert on running with power, explains the key concepts of running with power, its many advantages, key parameters to track and how to improve by running with power.

Show Notes
01:20 – Steve introduces himself
04:30 – What is running with power? What does it measure?
09:55 – Why are the advantages of running with power?
13:50 – Training zones that Steve has established for running with power
17:30 – Key parameters in running with power: Critical Power, Running Effectiveness, Leg Spring Stiffness, Form Power
31:50 – Power duration curve and its importance
34:55 – How to improve key parameters like Critical Power, Running Effectiveness etc thru’ training
39:55 – How to make adjustments for temperature, humidity and altitude
45:15 – Elites adopting power
48:15 – Recommendations on resources

Follow/Contact Steve Palladino
Final Surge:
Facebook – “Palladino Power Project”:

Recommendations on resources

Training and Racing with a Power Meter by Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan – (Amazon Link)
The Secret of Running by Hans van Dijk and Ron van Megen – (Amazon Link)
Run with Power by Jim Vance (Amazon Link)
Science and Application of High Intensity Interval Training by Paul Laursen and Martin Buchheit (Amazon Link)
Endurance Training Science and Practice by Inigo Mujika
Strength and Conditioning for Endurance Running by Richard Blagrove (Amazon Link)

YouTube Channels
Dr.Steven Seiler:
WKO Education: WKO YouTube
Stryd: Stryd YouTube

Contact Details for Running and Fitness with Raj
Join WhatsApp Group:
Facebook Group: Running and Fitness with Raj
Instagram: Instagram @runningandfitnesswithraj
Twitter @RunningRaj