Running and Fitness With Raj

# 5 – 2:53 marathoner Yash Muthiyan talks about his key training principles, switch to vegan diet and how he went from a 4:28 marathoner to a sub-3 marathoner

Rajagopal Anapuzha Episode 5

Yash talks about his 6 training principles – 1) Take it slow every step of the way 2) build a strong aerobic base, by focusing on doing majority of runs at an easy pace  3) focus on overall body conditioning thru’ yoga or strength training 4) Pay attention to a diet that works for you, like vegan diet is now working for Yash 5) Do “purposeful recovery” – to quote Yash, “recovery day is the absence of a hard workout but it is not the presence of indulgence” 6) do mental training during your workouts. He goes on to discuss "Pftizinger's" training method, his switch to vegan diet and is role as a trainer and pacer.

Show Notes

1:35 – Introduction to Yash
3:55 – Yash talks about his 6 training principles
11:25 – Yash talks about his switch to vegan diet and the benefits it has given him
15:00 – Yash discusses Pftizinger’s plans
22:00 – Yash talks about using “Nike Training Club” App for his conditioning work, and how he mixes yoga into his routine
26:35 – How Yash got involved with Nike Run Club and his experience of training runners and pacing marathons
29:55 – Quiz Time!
32:40 – Yash recommends books, YouTube channels and podcasts


Advanced Marathoning by Pete D. Pftizinger (Amazon Link)
Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice by Matthew Syed (Amazon Link)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE (Amazon Link)
80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster By Training Slower by Matt Fitzgerald (Amazon Link)
Runner’s World Blog
Gwen Jorgensen's YouTube Channel
Sweat Elite
The Morning Shakeout Podcast

Nike Training Club App

Contact Details for Running and Fitness with Raj

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Twitter @RunningRaj 

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